Performance infill, as it says, sets the quality and performance characteristics of the playing surface. Besides the fact that it ensures a good grip, it also creates the right shock absorption, ball bounce, torsion, and affects the sliding performance. Moreover, it supports the fibers in “jumping” back to their original position.

SBR infill

SBR granulate is made of split up truck or automobile tires. So this means that the composition is identical to that of car tires, and thus mainly consists of SBR rubber. SBR granulate offers good functional characteristics as a low-cost product especially in regard to its great elasticity.


No other artificial pitch infill matches PRO-gran’s performance for ball bounce, ball roll and surface stability. Enhanced playing experience through consistency of play, lower surface temperatures, no airborne particulates and no aroma. Up to 25% reduction in skin abrasion. PRO-gran is the winning formula for 100% pitch safety. Safe for the players and the environment; it releases no heavy metals, PAHs or micro plastics. PRO-gran is still perfect after 15,000 cycles in LiSport XL tests; that’s the equivalent of 10 years of use.

PROgran cool consists of 2 components providing playing quality on one side and heat reduction in the summer:

  • PROgran, as a polymeric performance infill, offers safety for the players and the environment. It exceeds the EU’s toughest standards and is approved for use by the Dutch Soil Decree as it releases no heavy metals, PAHs or micro plastics. Meets the criteria for REACH 1272/2013 as an article. With a big reduction in skin abrasion, players will be more than happy with PROgran’s performance
  • PROzeo sport ensures that during summer, the temperature of the playing surface will be lowered by up to 20°C. The turf should be watered to ensure cooling is effective. During winter, it removes any excess moisture from the turf system and thereby provides the rubber granules and sand with ongoing protection against freezing. PROeo sport contains no chemical additives and is based on a natural raw ingredient. The effect produced lasts a long time (1 – 2 years depending on intensity of use) and represents an economical solution compared with systems where turf for example is heated.

PROgran eco is a patented infill material that consists of 3 elements: PROgran, PROcork and PROzeo. The mix results in a groundbreaking playing as well as durability combined with a highly effective heat reduction in the summer:

  • PROgran, as a polymeric performance infill, offers safety for the players and the environment. It exceeds the EU’s toughest standards and is approved for use by the Dutch Soil Decree as it releases no heavy metals, PAHs or micro plastics. Meets the criteria for REACH 1272/2013 as an article. With a big reduction in skin abrasion, players will be more than happy with PROgran’s performance
  • PROcork, granulated cork represents a genuine alternative as infill material in terms of protective and sports functions as well as wear. Its susceptibility to the weather is a drawback and consequently the negative economic effects are substantial. With PROcork as coated cork, the natural properties are protected and remain as they are. Through the coating the bulk weight is increased and there is a big reduction on skin abrasion. Due to the coating the cork granules are UV stable and do not become “hard as stone” in time.
  • PROzeo sport ensures that during summer, the temperature of the playing surface will be lowered by up to 20°C. The turf should be watered to ensure cooling is effective. During winter, it removes any excess moisture from the turf system and thereby provides the rubber granules and sand with ongoing protection against freezing. PROzeo sport contains no chemical additives and is based on a natural raw ingredient. The effect produced lasts a long time (1 – 2 years depending on intensity of use) and represents an economical solution compared with systems where turf for example is heated.

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) is a polymer elastomer with excellent elasticity properties and resistance to atmospheric and chemical agents provide a stable, high performance infill product. Typical EPDM colors are green and tan.


Easy to handle and quick installation

Choosing the right type of shock pad is influenced by how it performs with the chosen surface. Their performance is stated in so-called labtest report according to the quality guidelines of the respective sport governing bodies, such as FIFA, World Rugby, FIH, etc.. Basically, the different types of shock pads differ in thickness, density and material. Regardless of which kind of shock pad you choose, the benefits that you get from shock pads are:

  • Provide better shock absorbency and protection for players
  • Create a uniform field
  • Increases the lifespan of the artificial turf
  • Enables to reduce the height of the turf and reduce the quantities of infill
  • Can be used for more than one filed lifecycle
  • Prevents from injury

Progame pads offer state-of-the-art quality with a unique design which effectively compensates for expansion or shrinkage caused by temperature fluctuations. The closed-cell structure of the PE foam prevents absorption of water almost entirely and the unique design allows for excellent water permeability and, if needed, lateral drainage.

Refoam panels provide comfort, cushioning and a stable surface. The foam panels are water permeable, lightweight and easy to work with. It is certified for fall heights with an HIC (Head Injury Criterion) value and can be used in public playgrounds.


Elastic layers for long-lasting performance build in-situ

An elastic (base) layer (e-layer) is installed at the site (in situ) and consists of elastic rubber granules and bonding agents (in the case of an ET-layer, it is also offset with stones). It ensures that the artificial turf is both stable and provides safety and comfort for the players.

  • With an in-situ elastic layer, the elastic layer will be true and level and there will be no seams or joints to weaken the system
  • Elastic layers have survived the test of time under harsh climatic conditions
  • An elastic layer has a life span of over 20 years
  • If an artificial turf surface needs to be replaced, only the artificial turf needs replacing as the elastic layer will still be in a good condition and ready to receive a new artificial turf

Elastic layer (EL), or e-layer, is constructed from rubber granules bounded and encapsulated with a PU binder. It is laid in-situ with a paving machine, resulting in a true and level playing surface without any seams or joints. Known for its durability and drainage capacity, the layers may have a thickness of 15-35 mm depending on the purpose of the layer.

ET-layer (ET) is just like an e-layer, also installed in situ with a paving machine. However, the rubber granules are mixed with gravel and encapsulated with a PU binder. The thickness depends on the purpose of the layer, but it is mostly 35mm thick.


Smart and economic heating system

Under-soil heating systems heat the underside of a pitch with natural grass or artificial turf to avoid snow and ice from building up with the aim to avoid having to postpone any match. There are different systems: infrared radiation systems, electrical heating systems and water-based heating systems. The latter is the technology which has been optimized throughout the years and is in that sense a proven technology. Sport and Play International combines a water-based system with Hydrorock and BaseGrid because of the following benefits:

  • Besides the improved playing quality because of Hydrorock, it also has a very high insulation value, resulting in more efficient usage of heat and consequently a reduction of the heating costs.
  • BaseGrid is installed on top of the Hydrorock panels and allows for the lateral heating pipes to be fixed onto the grid. Consequently, the pipes cannot move anymore and are protected at the same time.
  • From a construction point of view combining the Hydrorock panels with BaseGrid results in a solid and uniform base layer
  • The Hydrorock panels function as a water management system and make a traditional drainage system superfluous.
  • The Hydrorock layer also functions as a growth medium, which in the case of natural grass strengthens the growth of the roots and leads to a truly reinforcement of natural grass.


Water managed in a natural way

Hydrorock® offers solutions for separating rainwater, water buffering, drainage, infiltration and irrigation by using stone wool as basis material. Hydrorock® provides the unique ability to support the weight of the water within them. This means that there is much lower hydrostatic pressure on the soil beneath, preventing compaction and enabling infiltration across the whole surface area. Hydrorock® prevents any difficulty in draining heavy rainfall quickly, or to keep natural grass surfaces hydrated during the dry summer months.


Hydrorock provides the unique ability to support the weight of the water within them. This means that there is much lower hydrostatic pressure on the soil beneath, preventing compaction and enabling infiltration across the whole surface area.

To prevent any difficulty in draining heavy rainfall quickly, or to keep natural grass surfaces hydrated during the dry summer months, so that for example a football field remains usable, the field is divided in sectors of ca. 2.000m2. At the perimeter of each sector BD elements with drainpipes are installed, especially to warrant out- and inflow of water in an efficient way. In case of a “closed” construction excess water can be collected and reused in an efficient way for a variety of purposes, such as for washing machines, showers, irrigation, etc

Hydrorock rainwater

Rainwater drainage and buffer system Type D

Application: drainage and water buffering around buildings, pavements and gardens.

Rainwater drainage and buffer system Type D

Rainwater separation and infiltration system

Application: separating rainwater in homes, businesses, carports and garages. Separating water from storm drains and pavement drainage points.

Infiltration drain with built-in buffer Type IP

Application: buffer under outside faucets, rainwater drainage systems, terraces and paved areas.

Hydrorock seperator

Rainwater separator and infiltration system

Application: sand trap with built in leaf separator. By means of attaching a connector piece directly to the BD blocks. Also available as water drain for terraces. The sand trap has either a galvanized or stainless-steel grate.

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